Meeting Information

Board of Directors Meetings

Meetings are held bi-monthly at 2:30 PM at HOA Building at 10040 Trailway Drive, on the 3rd Sunday of the following months - February, April, June, August, October, December, unless otherwise noted.

Annual Meeting

First Sunday in May held in 177 Park @ 2:30 PM. In the event of rain, the meeting is held at the HOA building located at 10040 Trailway Drive. The meeting is open to all property owners in 177 Lake Estates.

The annual meeting includes an annual report, discussion and voting on community business, election of new board members, and forming of committees. The newly elected board members will elect new officers at this meeting. Any property owner over the age of 21 is eligible to serve as a board member following Texas HOA law.

Bring your lawn chairs and join us!

HOA Meeting Agenda

Notice of Board of Directors Meeting
177 Lake Estates HOA

Call to Order

Roll Call of Directors

Establish a Quorum

Reading of Previous Meeting’s Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Architectural Report

Deed Restrictions

Lakes and Parks Report

Open Forum


All property owners are members of the HOA and are welcome to attend the meetings.